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When Your Good Intentions Are Tested

When Your Good Intentions Are Tested


Judah vowed to do better with Benjamin than he did with Joseph. But when it comes right down to it, will he follow through? We make a lot of resolutions and impressive-sounding commitments, but how do we make good on them when we’re tempted to pass?

Genesis 44:1-17


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Sometimes, the Past Needs To Be Dug Up

Sometimes, the Past Needs To Be Dug Up


We love to enjoy the present and look forward to the future, but it’s hard to move forward without dealing with our past. This message looks at how God surfaces issues in our past to help us break free from them their hold on us.

Genesis 42


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The Mystery of Healing Prayer

The Mystery of Healing Prayer


When God doesn’t answer our prayers, it can leave us confused. Does God not care after all? Is it because I don’t have enough faith? Is it because I’m not good enough? This message looks at the answers to these questions and provides a guide to understanding prayer.

James 5:13-20


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Believe In Baptism as Your First Response to the Gospel

Believe In Baptism as Your First Response to the Gospel

Hundreds of years of tradition have confused baptism’s meaning so much that it can feel foreign when we actually see how the Bible presents it. This message looks at how people responded to John’s baptism and what it can reveal about our own response to God’s invitation in our lives.

Matthew 3:1-17 // [outline]

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A Prayer to Reverse a Curse

A Prayer to Reverse a Curse

Our prayers often resemble shopping lists of things we want from a divine vending machine in the sky. And our relationship with God and His working in our lives are stunted when they do. This message looks at Solomon’s prayer when he dedicated the temple and how it should shape our own prayers today.

1 Kings 8:27-53 // [outline]

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How to Come Clean with God

How to Come Clean with God

Guilt has a way of gnawing at your peace and shame can tear down your self-confidence. And our most instinctive reactions, denial and escape, can dull the effects for a while but don’t really solve anything. According to the Bible, the only lasting solution is found in the forgiveness and grace of God. This message looks at how to come clean with God in a way that positions us to receive His forgiveness.

Psalm 32 // [outline]

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