Spiritual wisdom isn’t something you get with education or connections. It’s something that God is pleased to reveal to those who seek it. This message looks at how to receive the wisdom you need to live the life that you want.
1 Corinthians 2:6-16
Jesus chose to humble Himself, eschew His own divine power, submit to the leading of the Holy Spirit, and rely upon His empowerment to live a holy life, in total obedience to His Father. This message will look at how to be filled with the Spirit, how to welcome the Spirit into our lives, and why the Holy Spirit chooses to come.
John 16:5-15 // [outline]
Jesus chose to humble Himself, eschew His own divine power, submit to the leading of the Holy Spirit, and rely upon His empowerment to live a holy life, in total obedience to His Father. This message will look at how to be filled with the Spirit, how to welcome the Spirit into our lives, and why the Holy Spirit chooses to come.
John 16:5-15 // [outline]
Do you ever feel discouraged from starting something because you fear you won’t be able to finish it? Do you worry that you’re not faithful enough or strong enough to deal with the trials and temptations that may come? The vision of the sealed in Revelation 7 was given to provide you courage and hope when times are tough.
Revelation 7:1-17 // [outline]
Many people find the Bible’s teachings about the Holy Spirit confusing. The command to be filled with the Holy Spirit is at the heart of how we are to live the Christian life, but it is a command that is often misunderstood. This message looks at how to be filled with the Holy Spirit and what you can expect to see when you are.
Ephesians 5:15-21 // [outline]
Life is often hard and each of us eventually feels its pain in different ways. What we hope in dramatically impacts how we face that pain, however. This message looks at the incredible hope the Bible holds out for us to lay hold of in suffering and the help that the Spirit gives us as we do.
Romans 8:18-27 // [outline]
We often come to God with shame and frustration over our attempts at true righteousness. And it’s possible to bring our old mindset into our new relationship with Him. But the Holy Spirit does for us what we couldn’t do for ourselves. This message looks at what the Holy Spirit provides for us and what He calls us to.
Passages like the Lord’s Prayer can teach us what God wants us to pray about, but we can still be left wondering how. Our prayers can be timid and hesitant or flippant and casual. After Jesus taught His disciples what to pray, He also taught them how to pray. And the attitudes He encourages us to bring to prayer are both counter-intuitive and life-changing. This message looks at the boldness, persistence and confidence that God encourages in our prayers and what He’s seeking to do in our lives and our relationship with Him as we pray like this.
Luke 11:5-13 // [outline]
When people claim to speak for God or someone brings us a word from the Lord, how are we to respond? Is there anything we can do to evaluate whether it’s truly God speaking? Or should we just be more open and not quench the Holy Spirit? This message looks at Paul’s instructions for evaluating prophets and prophecy.
1 Corinthians 14:29-33 // [outline]
The Day of Pentecost saw the birth of the church and the transformation of God’s people by the Holy Spirit. But it was a strange event. Luke records rushing wind and fire and the onlookers wondered whether the disciples were drunk. This message looks at what we can learn from what happened at Pentecost.
Acts 2:16-21 // [outline]
As people take steps in the Christian life, they can be tempted to think that ‘the secret’ is in some new teaching or experience. But growth in the Christian life comes by returning to the starting point and deepening our understanding and response to the foundation. This message looks at that foundation and the most common ways people misunderstand and stray from it.
1 Thessalonians 1:1-10 // [outline]
We all long for fullness in life and we seek it in different places. But Jesus claims to be the One who can truly fill us. This message looks at God’s plan to fill the hole in our lives and what we can do experience His filling.
John 7:37-52 // [outline]