Viewing entries tagged
God's will

When It Feels Like the Wrong Direction

When It Feels Like the Wrong Direction


Jacob is invited to Egypt, and it’s a chance to see his long-lost son, but is it the right thing to do? Or is it a trap? This message looks at how to make decisions confident in God’s leading.

Genesis 45:25-46:7


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 Jesus-Shaped Prayers

Jesus-Shaped Prayers

Prayer is a universal phenomenon that can be seen in almost every culture. Even many atheists pray. The question is how? How should a Christian’s prayers differ from the world? This message looks at principles to guide our prayers from the Apostle Paul’s prayer for the Colossians.

Colossians 1:1-14 // [outline]

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Connect to God in Prayer

Connect to God in Prayer

Conflict hurts. Whether at work or in the home, arguments have a way of draining our energy and robbing our joy. The Book of James addresses conflict that the early church was having. They were fighting and arguing with each other. He addresses the root cause of conflict and shows how prayer can work to change us and our approach to the conflicts we face.

James 4:1-6 // [outline]

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How to End Well

How to End Well

When circumstances are difficult, moving on can seem like a solution. But how do you tell the difference between moving on and running away? And even when you are convinced that it’s time to move on, how do you move on without regret? This message looks at a transition in the life of Jacob that teaches us how to end well.

Genesis 31:1-21 // [outline]

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A Prayer for Disciples

A Prayer for Disciples

Prayer is an almost universal experience. Just about everybody has times in their life when they call out to God. But prayer is like marriage: it’s easier to start than it is to figure out. This message looks at what we can learn from the world’s most famous prayer, Jesus’ response to his followers’ desire to be taught how to pray.

Matthew 6:9-13 // [outline]

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Modern-Day Prophet

Modern-Day Prophet

Discerning God’s will can be difficult. And even when God speaks, the voice of comfort can drown Him out. Today’s message looks at a prophet who declared God’s will to the apostle Paul and how the people around him struggled to accept it. It helps us to understand the nature of New Testament prophecy and how we can discern and pursue the will of God.

Acts 21:10-14 // [outline]

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