Many people like Jesus but struggle to see Him clearly. Jesus may inspire you without transforming you. And even people who have trusted Jesus for a long time can wonder why they don’t see Jesus the way they might like. This message looks at how Jesus helps two of His disciples to truly see Him and how He can do the same in our lives today.
Luke 24:15-31
When people talk about the resurrection, some just speak of it as a metaphor for a new start or the hope that is born from the ashes. Jesus didn’t really rise from the grave, did He? Others accept that Jesus’ resurrection was real, but when they read about the resurrection of His followers, they picture spirits floating on clouds strumming harps. This message looks at what hope Easter really promises and the resurrection that is available to all who trust in Jesus.
1 Corinthians 15:42-49
Most Bible scholars today are convinced that the last 12 verses of Mark’s Gospel were added by a scribe trying to fix what seemed like a strange ending. And yet, because they’re there, most people read them and miss what is likely the actual ending of Mark’s Gospel. This message looks at the incredible message in this ending that history almost erased.
Mark 16:1-8 // [outline]
Easter for many people is a celebrated holiday and a family tradition, but according to the Bible it is central to the Christian faith. Even for people who love to celebrate Easter, it’s easy to miss the implications of Jesus’ resurrection. This passage considers how Easter ought to define our faith and shape how we live.
Romans 10:5-13 // [outline]
The resurrection of Jesus Christ is unparalleled in human history. It’s an event so astounding that it has amazed people since the first century. It amazed Jesus’ followers but it shouldn’t have because he had told them repeatedly that it would happen. According to Jesus, there’s another resurrection coming and He’s told us in advance so we can prepare for this one and not be amazed when it happens.
Luke 24:1-12 // [outline]