Does God truly accept me, even when I see sin and failings in my own life? 1 John 2 helps us find an anchor for our hope and a way of assessing the evidence of the new life God offers us in Christ.
1 John 2:1-6
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Guest Speaker
Does God truly accept me, even when I see sin and failings in my own life? 1 John 2 helps us find an anchor for our hope and a way of assessing the evidence of the new life God offers us in Christ.
1 John 2:1-6
Are drums from the devil? Should hemlines end at the ankle? Is homeschooling the only godly option? This morning's text from Galatians 3 pits the false promises of legalism against the better promises of faith.
Galatians 3:1-6
The Bible often speaks in terms of nations: national sin, national judgment, and national blessing. This, however, might be hard for many of us to think about or relate to in our modern, individualistic Western world. In this sermon, we explore Nahum's prophecy regarding the fall of ancient Assyria and encounter timeless biblical principles about how God interacts with nations as nations.
Nahum 1:1-15
Today, God is raising up an army of gospel workers from the ranks of ‘ordinary’ men and women. They have caught the vision for the establishment of God’s kingdom among the nations. These ‘ordinary’ people, doing extraordinary things, is one way God is accomplishing his mission of seeing Christ followers among all people groups. Why not here as well?
Acts 4:13
We all worship something, whether spiritual or physical; today's text helps us examine what is true and authentic worship, and how we can live in it every day.
Romans 1:18-25
The Christian life is a lifelong marathon with plenty of ups and downs. The opening of the Letter of James offers us instruction for running and finishing this race.
James 1:2-12
In a world convulsing with violence, corruption, disaster, and bitter divisions, what’s the value of spending an hour or so in church? Multiplied millions of Christians worldwide do so, and this week we’ll explore why in this Psalm.
Psalm 122:1-9
Have you ever found yourself walking into uncharted territory and felt nervous? Have you ever doubted whether what you do is worth giving your life for? Today, we will learn what it takes to follow Jesus and how He enables us to follow Him.
Luke 5:1-11
What is Christian parenting? What does it mean to raise our children in the ways of the Lord? This message looks at how we can equip, engage, and encourage them to live as joyful disciples of Jesus Christ.
Matthew 28:18-20
In a culture of tolerance, Christians who proclaim Jesus as the only way to God are out of step and on the wrong side of history. Sure, Jesus said, “I am the way,” but did that necessarily mean the only way? This message will help us find an answer. to that question.
John 14:6
As we heed Paul’s warnings about how a church falls off the rails, this message examines what is expected of the church when it meets to worship the Lord. We’ll look at how the Bible shows us the essential priorities of a worship service.
1 Timothy 2:1-7
Whatever season you currently find yourself in, this message will delve into the profound journey of encountering God’s presence by exploring the life of the prophet Habakkuk.
Habakkuk 1:2-17
We live in an age of busyness and burnout. Life often feels like a hard, exhausting, and never-ending grind. We need to rest! But, resting, truly resting, is way easier said than done. In today's sermon, we turn to Scripture and learn practical steps to take to experience true, lasting, and rejuvenating rest, especially when life is a mess.
Psalm 4:1-8
Our guest speaker, Marcello Araujo, was born and raised in a Jewish family in Ecuador and became a political activist, zealous for Marxism. When he heard the good news about Jesus the Messiah, it transformed his life, his purpose, and his hope. In this message, he shares his story and the hope that now grips him.
Romans 11:1-12
The gospel promises eternal life, free and secure in Jesus Christ. Despite that, many people live with fear, guilt, and shame. Not taking hold of the fullness of the good news, they wonder if the world holds the answers, after all. This message looks at the promise of the gospel, particularly for a new generation looking for hope.
Romans 6:23
It’s hard to live life well without making plans: what career path to take, who to marry, where to live. People make plans all the time; but what does God have to say about that? Our text speaks specifically to this part of our lives.
James 4:13-17
We believe that God calls His people to a higher standard. But what does this mean to us today? How does the Bible teach us about our conduct and how it affects our living? Today, we’ll be learning about what it means to be God’s people and how He desires us to be His witnesses of the gospel in our world.
1 Peter 1:13-25
Words are powerful. What we say matters. In today's sermon, we are going to unpack the great potential and dangerous power of words. We will learn why God cares about what people say, and how Christians can use our words to maximize God's glory and bless our world.
James 3:1-12
As Paul introduces himself at the beginning of his letter to Rome, we get to see what he believes defines his life, which draws us to ask the question: What defines your life? What is your mission statement?
Romans 1:1-7
What is God’s blueprint for passing faith to successive generations? Why is family faith formation important? Who is responsible? And how do we do it?
Deuteronomy 6:1-9