Does God truly accept me, even when I see sin and failings in my own life? 1 John 2 helps us find an anchor for our hope and a way of assessing the evidence of the new life God offers us in Christ.
1 John 2:1-6
Does God truly accept me, even when I see sin and failings in my own life? 1 John 2 helps us find an anchor for our hope and a way of assessing the evidence of the new life God offers us in Christ.
1 John 2:1-6
Spiritual wisdom isn’t something you get with education or connections. It’s something that God is pleased to reveal to those who seek it. This message looks at how to receive the wisdom you need to live the life that you want.
1 Corinthians 2:6-16
Our world is dominated by the rich, powerful, and beautiful. It’s hard for regular people to not feel discouraged by their inadequacies. This message considers how God deliberately uses our weaknesses for His glory.
1 Corinthians 1:26-2:5
Are drums from the devil? Should hemlines end at the ankle? Is homeschooling the only godly option? This morning's text from Galatians 3 pits the false promises of legalism against the better promises of faith.
Galatians 3:1-6
Stephen Hawking was a brilliant thinker who was revered for his ideas, but he consistently rejected any notion of God. Is it foolish to believe in Jesus? If not, how should we understand it when intelligent people deny Him?
1 Corinthians 1:18-25
Christians can get sidetracked by preferences and personalities. When we do, the church becomes divided and ineffective. This message looks at how to pursue unity based on the cross.
1 Corinthians 1:10-17
The Corinthians were the most dysfunctional church that Paul served. And yet there was so much that he could give thanks for. His words remind us who we are, even on our worst days.
1 Corinthians 1:1-9
The Bible often speaks in terms of nations: national sin, national judgment, and national blessing. This, however, might be hard for many of us to think about or relate to in our modern, individualistic Western world. In this sermon, we explore Nahum's prophecy regarding the fall of ancient Assyria and encounter timeless biblical principles about how God interacts with nations as nations.
Nahum 1:1-15
To many, Christmas can evoke feelings of love, warmth, and belonging; but what about those who feel far from God because of their sin? “Have I gone too far?” This message reminds us that Christ’s birth is God’s answer to those who feel far from His love, as He welcomes them back with open arms.
Luke 15:11-24
Christmas can stir up worry and insecurity, driving us to fight for what we fear losing. This message looks at King Herod’s story and how God’s love can heal the fear that often fuels tension in our relationships.
Matthew 2:1-16
Sometimes, it can feel as if we’ve messed up too much to share in the hope Christmas brings. This message looks at Manasseh’s story and shows how God’s love can reach us when it feels like we’re beyond hope.
2 Chronicles 33:1-13
Christmas is a time when feelings of bitterness can strain family relationships and make get-togethers hard to face. This message reveals God’s surprising love for someone who struggled with anger – and how His love can transform ours too.
Genesis 4:1-16
If Job knew how his story would end, it would have made it so much easier for him to face all that he suffered. This message looks at Job’s ending and what it teaches us about the hope that God holds out for all who trust in Him.
Job 42:7-17
When life feels overwhelming, it’s easy to question God’s decisions or imagine we could do better. This message looks at how God confronts that attitude in Job and helps us to step back, see our limitations, and prepare for the day when we’ll meet Him ourselves.
Job 40:1-9; 42:1-6
Suffering always feels wrong—like something that should be removed as quickly as possible. But what if God intends adversity to be His servant, shaping us for our good? This message looks at how we can lay hold of God’s surprising blessings when trials come.
Job 33:12-30
As Job deals with physical pain, personal loss, and the rejection and condemnation of the people closest to him, he looks to God in hope. He clings to the belief that God will set the record straight, come to his aid, and reveal Himself to him. This message looks at the hope we need when we can’t see the path forward.
Job 19:21-27
Today, God is raising up an army of gospel workers from the ranks of ‘ordinary’ men and women. They have caught the vision for the establishment of God’s kingdom among the nations. These ‘ordinary’ people, doing extraordinary things, is one way God is accomplishing his mission of seeing Christ followers among all people groups. Why not here as well?
Acts 4:13
Assumptions usually cloud our judgment, but when we see people struggling that’s even more true. Zophar’s counsel to Job tore him down because he made assumptions about his friend’s past, his future, and God’s ways. This message looks at how we can avoid his mistakes and bring humility to the comfort we hold to.
Job 11:1-15
We all worship something, whether spiritual or physical; today's text helps us examine what is true and authentic worship, and how we can live in it every day.
Romans 1:18-25
When tragedies hit, sometimes religious people offer simplistic remedies that only add to our pain. This message looks at how we can avoid the dangerous counsel we’re tempted to cling to when difficulties come.
Job 8:1-10